7 Reasons to Work with a Media Company for Digital Advertising

Last year,  Rainbow Fruit Power Smoothie spent three days shooting a digital ad that ultimately failed to impress. It featured the perfect cafe on a lazy Sunday morning. Millennials sat at tables enjoying their avocado toast and the company’s new power smoothie. They knew they had found the perfect formula. Nope. This digital ad absolutely bombed. Apparently, it hit all the wrong notes.

So where exactly did the company go wrong? The first and largest mistake was not hiring a professional media company to handle its digital advertising. They needed someone with a specific knowledge base to create a digital ad that gets noticed and creates a buzz. Check out some reasons below as to why hiring a media company is better than trying to go it alone.

1. Innovation

You need someone designing your digital marketing campaign who knows and understands the current trends and demands in your industry and marketing. When you hire a media company, you need to make sure they have basic digital advertising skills, such as:

  • Using the latest marketing tools in digital campaigns
  • Thinking outside-the-box to help you stand apart from your peers
  • Accessing the latest marketing trends and tools.

With the latest tools and understanding of trends, media companies use innovation at each stage of design. Their unique ideas and focus help your digital offerings attract the right attention.

2. Experience With Success

You want to work with a media company that has an established record of success. They should know what a successful marketing campaign looks like when they see it. The media company that you hire for your business should have a proven process for creating campaigns that work and drive sales. When interviewing a marketing firm, it’s always a good idea to ask for references and to request an overview of past campaigns and the accompanying statistical information.

3. Knows the Target Audience

You want your media company to know more than just the target audience and persona. It’s essential that the campaign team knows what drives the target audience to follow through and purchase goods or services. You need to know that the company can pinpoint your target audience with a digital ad campaign, so they must know where they go online and social media.

4. Translates Your Goal and Tone into Creative

Once you share your goals and tone to a marketing firm, they need to be able to translate that information into creative. A successful media company will understand which creative will turn your specific goal and tone into a positive outcome. The creative changes based on the individual goal so your media company must have a firm understanding of what works and what doesn’t.

5. Access to Experts

When you partner with a media company for your marketing and digital ad needs, you’re going to get access to experts in the field of digital marketing. Before you invest in a new digital campaign — especially if it’s your first time doing a particular type of campaign — you want an expert to review the plans and identify any areas of concern. The experts in your new media company should be available to answer your questions as they arise and always strive to minimize possible mistakes in a marketing campaign.

6. Integrated Marketing

In order to conduct a successful digital marketing campaign, your media company must know the difference “advertising on lots of channels” and “integrated marketing.” An effective integrated marketing campaign creates a seamless way to connect with customers through a variety of channels and connects your clients to the brand and its values. To do this, your media company must be very precise about where to place your digital ads.

7. Optimized Budget Use

You want your media company to stretch your budget. An experienced and achievement-driven marketing firm knows how to make the most of a budget of any size so that you get the results you need by targeting specific clients at optimum times.

At Hubbard Chicago, we take pride in partnering with our clients to create digital campaigns that provide results. We know your target audience and bring the expertise to create a wildly successful digital campaign for your company. We meet all seven qualifications to provide you the talent you need. To learn more about how we can help you, contact us today.

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