Chicago Radio Delivers 30 Years of Real Results for Perma-Seal


Radio advertising can provide solid ROI for home improvement businesses. In fact, research from Nielsen indicates that for every $1 invested in radio, home improvement companies see $9 of incremental sales. 

Chicago home improvement business owners are capitalizing on radio’s proven results. Roy Spencer, President and Owner of Perma-Seal Basement Systems, gave his personal endorsement for radio advertising in a 60-second interview that aired across 40 stations in Chicago earlier this month.

I’ve always loved radio – we’ve been using it for 30 years, and the reasons haven’t really changed. First of all, we’re in Chicago! There’s always traffic, so you’re almost assured of a captive audience on most days.

– Roy Spencer, President & Owner of Perma-Seal Basement Systems

Click here to hear the full interview. 

Among the reasons that Roy has stayed a satisfied Chicago radio advertiser for so long, he cites:

  • Efficiency — when your advertising dollars need to pay off, radio delivers!
  • Flexibility — you can switch up your message to target different audiences
  • Consistency — you can depend on radio for results
  • Intimacy — listeners develop an affinity for the stations, personalities, and even the advertisers

Perma-Seal is just one of many Chicago business owners taking advantage of the benefits of radio advertising. Learn moreor contact us if you’re ready to talk about your radio advertising needs.

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