Why All Digital Agencies are NOT Created Equal


Why All Digital Agencies are NOT Created Equal

You have many options when it comes to outsourcing your digital marketing. However, when it comes to providing high-quality digital marketing services that drive results, many agencies fall short. That’s why, before you sign a contract, it is vital that you evaluate a potential partner and check out their features and attributes. In doing this, you are best able to determine which agency is right for your business. We have put together a few things you should look out for that help separate the good from the great in digital agencies.

A Few Things the Truly Great Agencies Do:


1. Serve as Your Digital Marketing Partner

The best agencies will work WITH you, not just for you. You should feel a sense of collaboration, enjoy effective back-and-forth communication and receive transparency in the services they offer. A great agency will be your partner in marketing – every step of the way.

2. Conduct a Digital Audit Before Work Begins

Before you make any major changes to your marketing plan, it is vital to know where you’re at currently. A digital audit helps you better understand how effective your current strategies are and the best ways to proceed. Our digital agency 2060 Digital offers audits for social media, search engine optimization (SEO), analytics and PPC (pending access provided). These audits dive into our clients’ current digital landscape and provide opportunities for future growth and expansion.

3. Offer a Customized Strategy

A family-owned restaurant is different from a law firm or a health spa. Similarly, digital strategy for your business should be different from any other. Unfortunately, many digital agencies take a cookie-cutter approach and offer standard services to every client, without taking their specific needs, budget, challenges and other factors into account. With the right digital partner, you will receive a strategy that’s suited specially for your business.

4. Provide a Team of Marketing Experts

Ideally, you want to partner with an agency that has a wealth of digital marketing knowledge and continuously improves on their skills. For example, 2060 Digital has over 90 Google certifications (and counting) and they’re a Premier Google Partner. For the firm’s clients, this means the very best level of service and an expert approach to digital marketing.

5. Offer Campaign Recaps

It is vital that a digital marketing team measures campaigns and shares analytics with key decision makers. In doing this, you’ll understand what is and isn’t working and have a better idea how to develop your future strategy. At 2060 Digital, campaign reports are delivered to clients on a monthly basis and provide a deep dive into analytics and performance of a particular campaign. The reports offer analysis of the data along with recommendations for future campaigns. Live dashboards are also available for clients upon request.

The importance of partnering with the right digital agency can never be overstated. Use the information above as a starting point to make the best decision in choosing a digital marketing partner that’s right for your business. For more information about how you can grow your business with the help of superior digital marketing, check out 2060 Digital’s website and what they can offer.

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