Diversify Your Marketing Portfolio with Digital Ads

Diversify with Digital Ads

Traditional advertising is growing for an excellent reason: It’s highly effective. The flyer you get in the mail that shows a modern kitchen, beautiful living room, or cozy bedroom makes you want to update your home. Seeing the end-of-year car commercials on television makes you think about taking advantage of those deals and making a splashy gift presentation to your loved ones. And don’t forget about the New Year’s campaigns on radio, television, and billboards advertising how to reach your health and fitness goals by summertime that make you consider a gym membership or diet plan. 

Now, think about how often you follow up on those ads. Chances are, you have the thought when you see the ad, and then it’s gone.  But what happens when you later see on your Instagram feed that you can get an additional discount on a purchase? Maybe you perform a Google search when you see ads that remind you how easy it is to get financing for that new vehicle.  

These are examples of how much more compelling your brand message can be when you add a digital campaign to your marketing mix. Digital ads amplify your marketing materials, helping you get more impact and exposure from them. Your radio ads can introduce an idea to your target audience then your digital ads can provide more convenience to usher your targeted lead through the customer journey. In this blog, you’ll learn more about how effectively digital and radio work together.  

The Benefit of Digital Ads   

Digital ads allow you to reach customers with high specificity. They let you target the people interested in your products or services based on demographics and browsing behavior. Ultimately, your goal is to reach and influence the purchasing decisions of the people who are most likely to be interested in what you have to offer. You don’t want to waste time, money, and effort presenting your message for a luxury watch to a demographic that makes less than $50,000 per year or children’s furniture to college students.  

Digital ads also help you reach and engage with people when they are in critical stages of decision-making and research. This type of ad can facilitate behavior at multiple customer journey points. They allow you to reach your prospective customer at the point where they are actively engaged and ready to buy.  

How Digital Ads Expand Your Marketing Performance  

Digital ads expand your marketing performance through customer engagement. Consider brand awareness campaigns on the radio. They make it easy for your customers to find your site easily. When you also have a robust online presence, SEM ads help your customer follow through with your call to action after hearing your radio ad. Retargeted ads help facilitate the follow-through with a purchase. 

Incorporating Digital Ads into Your Mix  

Launching digital ads is relatively simple to accomplish. Technology has provided tools and techniques that make it more accessible. That doesn’t mean that creating compelling digital ads comes organically or without effort. However, you can employ some best practices to increase your odds of success.  

  • Select the best channels to reach your target audience 
  • Choose the ad types that will resonate with your customers 
  • Target specific behaviors 
  • Word your message to appeal to your target customer 

Radio is one example of targeting specific demographics based on the station and genre. It allows you to pick the ads that your customers will most identify with and spur them to action. Digital ads take it a step further. By targeting specific behaviors, you can determine where the customer is in their buying journey and word the ads to appeal to them, encouraging them to take action or make a purchase. 

Diversification Increases the Chances of Success in Your Marketing Campaigns 

The adage about putting all your eggs in one basket stands the test of time. While many different mediums are excellent choices for your marketing efforts, no individual platform can attain the same level of engagement that you can get from an omnichannel strategy. For instance, radio has a massive reach that allows for audience targeting. It is equally effective for brand recognition for developing interest and demand for a product or service.  

Digital offers a way to reach a highly targeted group of consumers based on their habits and preferences. It can introduce a new brand or product to new consumers who are most likely to take an interest. Combining radio with digital allows you to personalize your communications to your customer and refine your targeting even further. You can increase your brand awareness to a broad audience while benefiting from one-on-one engagement with your customers. 

Radio and digital in combination are like the proverbial one-two punch: the first one gets their attention and puts you on the desired path while the second one brings it home for the intended result. There are many ways to execute this combined strategy. It can differ with your goals, the demographic you target, and your chosen platforms. Many tools and techniques give you ways to measure what works best in your campaign so that you can make adjustments as needed. For best results, work with a media partner to ensure the best chances of success when launching this strategy.  

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